Lesson: The Rain Game



Simulate the precipitation process with the following activity.





Preparation: Teacher should tape assorted pieces of construction paper in a random pattern on the ground outside or in a large room. Tape as many pieces of paper as there are students in the class.

Game: Outside or in a room with plenty of space, have the students find a piece of construction paper and stand on it with their arms outstretched. Tell them they are going to pretend they are a small cloud drop being blown about by the wind. When you say "go", have the students move from their piece of paper to another of the same color, keeping their arms spread out to their sides.

Each time one student touches another, they should grab hands as if they were becoming a larger cloud drop and continue moving on to a piece of paper which has the same color as the one from which they came. If students from two different colors should happen to collide en route, they should combine and move to the closest piece of colored paper. This will be the group's new color. Larger drops move about intermixed with smaller drops and keep combining in a similar manner. When a drop has five students in it, they have formed a raindrop and they should go to the puddle area and sit down. The puddle area is defined by a roped off area or hula hoop, located out of bounds. If drops combine to make a single drop of six or more students then it should divide in half, choose new colors, and remain moving throughout the cloud. Continue this game until the cloud is rained out and the puddle is full.

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