Use in the curriculum

As an recent (2018) example of tech. We used this as a discussion about the future of space travel and followed it up by modifying our solutions to “Using Instances of Different Types” in the Learn to Code 2 Swift Playgrounds curriculum to launch Byte into space using a for-loop and expert.turnLockUp() at the end!

Discussion prompts:

Even though this trial run for a trip to Mars, it is still very exciting. Highlights in the video include:

  • Lift Off………………………… time: 22:00
  • Booster separation………………….video time: 24:30
  • Tesla/Cargo revealed……………… time: 25:51
  • Booster landing…………………….video time: 29:45
  • Center booster good try…………… time: 30:35
  • Tesla in space…………………… time: 32:00
  • More Tesla in space…………………video time: 33:00

Do you think humans will travel to Mars in your lifetime?

Would you like to travel to Mars?

Why is SpaceX approach to launching things different and possibly better than older approaches?
one reason is that they are trying to reuse parts of the rocket over and over again by having it land back at the launch pad and other parts land on barges floating at sea.

Can we make Byte and a gem launch into space? (Modify your solution for Learn to Code 2 activity: “Using Instances of Different Types” to launch Byte into space.